dimanche, janvier 15, 2006


Shit happens

Nevrbluffs mise 11$, eMp7 relance de 20$, nevrbluffs relance de 56$, eMp7 suit.

Flop : Kxx.

("king" et deux cartes sans intérêt)

Nevrbluffs fait tapis, eMp7 suit.

Dealer: nevrbluffs shows [Ah Ad]
Dealer: eMp7 shows [Qh Qs]

Turn : Q.
River : Q.

Dealer: nevrbluffs shows two pair, Aces and Queens
Dealer: eMp7 shows four of a kind, Queens
Dealer: eMp7 wins the pot ($451.70) with four of a kind, Queens

mywall: wow
RussGarvey: wow
nevrbluffs: how the fck can you call IDIOT
mywall: unreal
Marnik: OUCH
nevrbluffs: fckn UNREAL MORON
nevrbluffs: fckn moron
nevrbluffs: fckn moron
nevrbluffs: fckn RETARD
nevrbluffs: fck you
nevrbluffs: fck you
nevrbluffs: this site is soooo fckn bulsht
RussGarvey: everyone takes bad beats
nevrbluffs: come on
RussGarvey: you wanted the call
nevrbluffs: that was ssoooooo obvious i had him beat
RussGarvey: runner SUCKS
nevrbluffs: fckn retards man
nevrbluffs: wtf
RussGarvey: yo knew I knew, the table knew it but him
nevrbluffs: im sooo fckn pissed
RussGarvey: he got REAL lucky
mywall: youre taking it well
nevrbluffs: i would have to beat his face in if i could
RussGarvey: stop playing poker then
Lazar: lmfao
RussGarvey: @!%! happens
nevrbluffs: how can he call
mywall: i see anger management in your future
nevrbluffs: tell me
nevrbluffs: fckn retards
nevrbluffs: sooo pissed
nevrbluffs: eMp7 go fck yourself
nevrbluffs: fckn moron
mywall: pleasant fellow
RussGarvey: is he MAD
mywall: he was slightly cranky
Lazar: that was hilarious
RussGarvey: yes it was
SubDoc628: worth the price of admission
RussGarvey: hahaha
RussGarvey: ilove it, when its the sites fault
Lazar: even better that he got quads and not just the set
mywall: did he have the best hand...no but its not
like it was a gutshot str draw
RussGarvey: or something else
RussGarvey: you play long enough, it happens
mywall: and he made 4 of them for good measure LOL
RussGarvey: its poker
Lazar: yeah the 4th one made me crack up
mywall: if there was a another river hed have had 5 queens
RussGarvey: i feel bad for his wife or gf
Lazar: fck you emp lmao
RussGarvey: he turn crushed him, the river was
just salt on the wound
Lazar: he still had a chance for a flush when the turn hit
Class V: he wouldn't have said anything if a queen never came
RussGarvey: but I'll take the made hand everytime
mywall: maybe thanks fish
RussGarvey: wonder what he would have said if
the river was an Ace
Lazar: smack emp on the #&#

Thank you!
[url=http://jpizwsvj.com/fzen/ljyo.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://wnxakdbj.com/mhfx/jdsh.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
http://jpizwsvj.com/fzen/ljyo.html | http://isjxulmn.com/nfok/qpxw.html
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